metal, textiles, other

268x187x110 cm

WARSAW, 2021

"Milk production causes a great deal of indirect killing, as well as significant physical and emotional harm to cows. On industrial-scale dairy farms, mothers are separated from their calves, often within hours of being born. Young male calves are also killed as a result of dairy production."

"To this day, it is a common misconception that cows produce milk throughout their lives. Just like human mothers, cows only produce milk after they’ve given birth to calves. The milk is intended for their infants. In order to produce milk on an ongoing basis, dairy cows are continually impregnated. On factory farms, cows are typically impregnated for the first time when they are around 25 months old using artificial insemination. After giving birth, mothers lactate for about 10 months. Then they are impregnated again."

Source: The Humane League - Dairy cows 

Sculpture at the exhibition "Photo-lapse" in Galeria Punkty, Warsaw 2021

Working process - stop motion animation, 2021

Working process